Elevation Movies offers advertising on our streaming service at a low rate.
Pick your pricing package below and start expanding your brand!
(Note - 1 commercial is considered to be 1 campaign)
Sign up now to advertise on our streaming service and be among the first partners to grow your brand with us!
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Advertise with us on our EM platform and choose the territory you want to target.
Want Nationwide advertising?
Want Southwest only?
It's all up to you and you can determine what region that can make you the most money for your company!
Advertise your company...
Advertise your film...
Anything you choose...anywhere!
For Independent Filmmakers
1 campaign showing for 90 days
All packages above can either be one-time or on a recurring basis. Your Choice!
For Businesses/Organizations
1 campaign showing for 90 days
(Save $250 with this option)
All packages above can either be one-time or on a recurring basis. Your Choice!
If you have more than one campaign, let's chat for a low Combo Price
Watching shows and movies is not what it used to be. Thanks to OTT services like Elevation Movies, Netflix, and other streaming services, we’ve changed the game for millions who can watch at their leisure without having to ‘catch’ it when it airs.
What is OTT?
OTT stands for Over-the-top. In other words, streamers go over the top of traditional broadcasting providers (who used to be all-powerful) when it comes to watching a show/movie on television. OTT focuses on internet based streaming.
With OTT, you no longer have to watch the square screen in your living room, family room or bedroom. You can watch on your phones, Ipads, and computers; anywhere you go. - Keep reading to learn why you should take advantage of advertising on Elevation Movies OTT platform
Small business marketing can get expensive, especially when you don’t have a million-dollar budget for it. Every dollar you spend needs to count. We offer different packages with that in mind, so you are not sinking money into marketing strategies that either do not work or are not cost-effective for your company. You will get a lot of BANG! for your buck. - Think about the Superbowl…Millions are paid to advertise ONE single commercial. But that’s okay, those companies can afford to do that. Can you? If not, choose one of our packages. You can always grow as your budget grows.
#2 Reach a wider audience whom you choose to target.
Be smart and reach your audience on TV’s, laptops, desktops, smartphones, and Ipads with streaming digital TV. Pull out your company’s seat at the table.
#3 Pinpoint the audience without paying for all the extra
Billions of people stream tv shows and movies these days but that doesn’t mean that if you are a local company that you have to pay to advertise to those on the opposite coast! You can choose the region that will give you the best opportunity to turn those viewers into your customers! - With Elevation Movies OTT advertising opportunities, you can make sure your message gets in front on only those who want or need what you have to offer in your area.
#4 The audience has a shorter time span to take a break, so they will stick around for your ad(s)
Less chance of viewers walking away from the commercials because they are shorter! Hence, more eyes on your ad. OTT ads cannot be fast forwarded through and since they are shorter than traditional television ads, less people will walk away during commercial breaks. - And we will be able to send analytic reports to show how your ads are performing, which will give you the chance to change your targeting audience to do more of what’s working for your company and less of what doesn’t work.
Elevated Artists Entertainment LLC
Elevated Artists International / Elevation Cinema / Elevation Movies / Get Elevated!
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All Rights Reserved
Clearwater, FL